With over 10,000 members using the portfolio tools on The Rookies, there is no shortage of amazing portfolios worth checking out. This week our team has picked another amazing portfolio that shows a great range of skills, a creatie eye and solid technical skills.

Where are you currently located?

Dundee, United Kingdom.

When did you first realise you wanted to work in creative media?

My story is much like everyone else who pursues a joyous career in arts & media (though more specifically for me is Concept Art in games), it comes from the need to express ourselves visually and creatively, which started when I was a child. Back then I had an affection for both drawing and growing up playing on retro game consoles with my brother, and with age slowly came the wisdom to pursue a career that combined both.

What are your career goals?

I'm determined to be a Concept Artist who constantly strives to improve himself, and be dependable and caring to ones team.

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