Only 10 Days Left to Enter Rookie Awards 2024!

Only 10 Days Left to Enter Rookie Awards 2024!

The countdown has begun! With less than 10 days remaining, it's your last chance to enter the 14th Annual Rookie Awards.

Artwork by David Eisenstadt

The countdown has begun! With less than 10 days remaining, it's your last chance to enter the 14th Annual Rookie Awards. This is the ultimate opportunity to showcase your talent, win amazing prizes, and get noticed by the world's top studios. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or emerging artist, Rookie Awards is your gateway to the creative industries. So, don’t miss out!

Why Enter the Rookie Awards?

  • Career Boost: Win exclusive opportunities and prizes that can jumpstart your career in the creative industries.
  • Global Platform: Showcase your work to a worldwide audience and get noticed by industry professionals.
  • Industry Ranking: Receive evaluations and rankings from our expert panel of 150+ judges, offering insights into your industry readiness.
  • For Emerging Talent: Ideal for artists developing their skills and seeking industry exposure.
  • Community and Fun: Be part of a community that celebrates creative talent globally. Enjoy random giveaways and make the most of this exciting experience.

Groups & Categories

Explore our four main contest groups, each offering unique opportunities:

  • Rookie of the Year: 12 categories for individual artists across various industries.
  • Film of the Year: For individuals or teams in film production.
  • Game of the Year: Categories dedicated to game development.
  • Career Opportunities: Connect with production studios for potential career paths.

Three simple step to enter

Entering Rookie Awards only takes a few simple steps:

1. Choose Your Category

Each category represents a different industry. Pick the one that best matches your career goals.

Categories are like "industries", they are not necessarily based on skills. If you want to work in the Games industry, then show us your work related to this. It could be coding, it could be modeling, UI design, gameplay, fx, even animation.

2. Create Your Entry Page

Design a compelling entry page that showcases multiple examples of your best work. Include a variety of projects that highlight your skills and versatility in your chosen field.

This is very important! Treat the contest like a job interview. You get a single page to show off all your best work. Share multiple examples of work you've completed.

3. Detail Your Process

For each project, explain your creative process, the challenges you encountered, and how you applied your skills to overcome them.

Who Can Enter?

Entrants must be 18 years or older and have less than one year of professional experience in any of the creative industries featured in the contest categories, as of June 1, 2024. For further information, please read the rules.

Tips for a Strong Entry

Ready to get started? Head over to our contest page, select a category that interests you, and submit an entry loaded with all your best work.