With nearly 10,000 members using the portfolio tools on The Rookies, there is no shortage of amazing portfolios worth checking out. This week our team has picked another amazing portfolio that shows a great range of skills, a creatie eye and solid technical skills.

Where are you currently located?

Paris, France.

When did you first realise you wanted to work in creative media?

For me, the all video game’s world is a new way to tell stories and it's also an experimental journey to develop the storytelling. When I’m working on a project, I really seek to do my best to show people that I’m working in a very talented industry full of brilliants artists and incredible ideas. And my own vision of the video game industry is one of the last stand of creativity, That's why I'm all in!

What are your career goals?

I work hard to improve my skill. My Dream -> Work for a Studio or do Freelancing for Triple A Game as a Chara or Creature Artist.

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