Studying at The Factory School

Studying at The Factory School

Discover insights from Masters students Noemí Gamarra Rubio and Víctor Garay Sánchez as they share their experience at The Factory School, a pioneering Spanish-language training initiative in Architectural Visualisation and Virtual Reality with Unreal Engine.

The Factory School is a leading Spanish-language training initiative that propels professionals who are reshaping the digital industry of Architectural Visualisation and Virtual Reality with Unreal Engine. In this article, Masters students Noemí Gamarra Rubio and Víctor Garay Sánchez share valuable insights into studying at The Factory School.

Can you introduce your school to us and share what makes it special from your perspective?

Noemi: The Factory School is an exclusive online training centre that offers different courses and masters in new technologies such as BIM, Virtual Reality and Architectural Visualisation.

The specialisation I did was the master's degree in Architectural Visualisation. It stands out for its innovative approach and its commitment to quality education.

What really makes this school special, from my experience as a student, is the combination of online classes with highly experienced teachers in the sector. The quality of the classes, the syllabus and the teaching staff is excellent.

The communication between school and student is always fluid and dynamic through its platform and with constant interaction in webinars and masterclasses. A unique learning environment is created where students can learn not only from professionals, but also from their peers.

Student work by Noemí Gamarra Rubio

Víctor: Within the industry, I realised that the offering of specialised Master's degrees in Unreal Engine for Architectural Visualisation was limited. However, when I discovered this school, I knew immediately that it was exactly what I was looking for. The instructors had extensive experience in handling this type of real-time software. Additionally, the educational program was comprehensive, covering a wide range of areas within the program, which allowed me to delve into all aspects relevant to my professional development.

What made you choose The Factory School, and has it lived up to your expectations?

Noemi: I chose this school for several reasons. Firstly, offering classes in an online format gave me the flexibility I needed to study.

In addition, I was attracted by the school's reputation, backed by years of experience and positive feedback from former students. But what really won me over was the exceptional attention I received, even before I became a student. From the first contact, the school team showed a genuine commitment to helping me and answering my questions, which gave me confidence in their student-centred approach.

Now, after completing my training, I can say that the school has exceeded all my expectations. The quality of both theory and practice is exceptional, and the faculty, with their industry experience, have been instrumental in clarifying any doubts and providing expert guidance throughout the curriculum. In addition, the constant availability of the teaching staff to address queries either through tutorials, personalised explanatory videos or live classes, has contributed significantly to my learning and professional development.

In short, my choice of this school has been absolutely the right one. It has not only met, but exceeded my expectations in every aspect.

Víctor: I decided to study at this school because it offered fully online training. Being employed full-time, I valued the flexibility to manage my time without having to adhere to a fixed schedule or attend in-person classes. As I progressed through the Master's program, I was pleasantly surprised by the quantity and quality of the content delivered, far exceeding all my expectations and making my decision worthwhile.

Student work by Víctor Garay Sánchez

How do students and teachers interact at The Factory School, and is there a supportive mentorship dynamic?

Noemi: Through the school's platform you can communicate almost immediately with the teaching staff to resolve any doubts you may have. You always have a tutor or support teacher at your disposal to solve doubts and correct exercises quickly through the school's own platform.

Webinars and masterclasses are also offered, offering unique opportunities to interact not only with teachers, but also with other students, enriching the learning experience.

There is some tutoring support for students. For tutorials, the teachers are very supportive in resolving queries in a very personal and responsive manner.

Víctor: Throughout the training, you have access to a platform where you will find all the educational content. Additionally, you have the opportunity to interact with the teaching staff at all times, directly through the platform. You can send them messages, submit assignments for later review, or schedule personalized video calls at any time to assist you with everything you need. They are undoubtedly prepared to provide support in whatever is necessary during all stages of your learning.

What have you found most valuable about your learning experience so far, and how has it impacted your artistic growth?

Noemi: The most valuable aspect of my learning experience so far has been the combination of several aspects.

Firstly, high quality technical instruction has enabled me to master the necessary software for Architectural Visualisation, such as 3dsMax, VRay, Chaos Cosmos, Forest Pack, RailClone and Adobe Photoshop. This solid technical foundation is complemented by a focus on creating images that convey emotions. Through this approach, I have developed my ability to tell stories through images, which has greatly influenced my artistic growth.

In addition, the quality of the syllabus and the practical exercises designed to simulate real projects have been fundamental to my growth. They have given me a deep understanding of the field of architectural visualisation and prepared me to face the challenges of the job market.

But the most valuable thing for me has been the opportunity to get to know the professors who teach the master's degree. They are great professionals with years of experience in the industry, and what makes them even more special is their passion for teaching architectural visualisation. They transmit that passion in every class, which has been contagious and has given me even more motivation to learn and grow in this discipline. Their closeness and dedication have been fundamental in my learning process and have inspired me to continue deepening my knowledge in architectural visualisation.

Student work by Noemí Gamarra Rubio

Víctor: The most valuable aspect of my learning experience has been the level of personalised attention and detailed follow-up I have received at each stage of the process. Until now, my learning was primarily self-taught. However, by choosing to learn with a specialised school, I have experienced exponential artistic growth. This experience has not only expanded my technical skills but has also strengthened my artistic foundations, providing me with a solid base to venture into this industry more confidently and prepared.

Can you share an example of an assignment where you received valuable feedback from your instructors?

Noemi: During the presentation of my final master's project, I experienced one of the most significant moments of my educational career at the school. This project was an exciting and complex challenge, which arose from the choice and elaboration of images during the course of the master's degree itself. While learning visualisation concepts, I immediately applied them in the realisation of artistic images, and as a consequence, I was already being guided for the final master's work.

During the review of my final project, my professors offered detailed and constructive feedback that was of great value to my artistic growth. They provided specific suggestions on the composition, lighting and narrative of my images, which allowed me to elevate both the artistic and technical quality of my work. These comments not only enriched my final master's project, but also influenced my approach to future projects and my professional development as an architectural visualiser. Their guidance gave me a greater understanding of how to effectively convey ideas and emotions through architectural visualisation, which has been fundamental to my growth as an artist in this field.

Víctor: When it comes to receiving valuable feedback from my instructors, I particularly highlight the experience in the lighting part. It is one of the critical aspects to achieve realism in a scene, and the variety of lighting types that Unreal Engine offers provides us with a wide range of options to explore. Thanks to the attention and detailed focus of my teachers on this topic, I have been able to significantly deepen my understanding of these systems and their application in various contexts.

The instructors at The Factory School are great professionals with years of experience in the industry, and what makes them even more special is their passion for teaching architectural visualisation. They transmit that passion in every class, which has been contagious and has given me even more motivation to learn and grow in this discipline. - Noemi

What helpful resources or opportunities does The Factory School provide outside of regular classes?

Noemi: In addition to regular classes, The Factory School offers a wide range of additional resources and opportunities that enrich the educational experience. These include webinars and masterclasses taught by industry professionals, which provide invaluable insight and an opportunity to interact with subject matter experts.

In addition, the school encourages participation in specialised competitions like The Rookie Awards, and collaboration among students to receive feedback and continually improve.

As part of these resources, students have access to licenses for the software studied in the master's program, as well as perpetual licenses, allowing them to complete internships and hone their skills.

Víctor: The school goes beyond regular classes by providing a wide range of additional resources and opportunities. In addition to the lessons from the standard course, the school regularly organises masterclasses on a variety of interesting topics related to the industry, further enriching our learning experience. Furthermore, the school periodically keeps us informed about job opportunities in the sector, offering multiple possibilities to start a solid and successful professional career. This provides us with a comprehensive, real-world-oriented educational experience.

Can you describe any collaborative projects or experiences that have enhanced your artistic skills and fostered teamwork?

Noemi: One experience that significantly enhanced my artistic skills and promoted teamwork was my participation in The Rookies Awards.

For this competition, the school facilitated a forum of students entering this competition. This event gave me the opportunity to share my work with my peers and teachers, which resulted in the formation of new friendships and contacts. Working with feedback from my peers on this project and receiving feedback from experienced faculty in the profession was critical to the success of the project. The collaboration and exchange of ideas during this process not only enriched my work, but also allowed me to learn from the skills and approaches of my peers, which helped to enhance the project submitted for the competition.

Víctor: Thanks to my time at school, I discovered The Rookies community, which led me to experience enriching collaboration with my classmates. We stayed connected through a dedicated group, where we shared ideas and projects to support each other and improve our posts within the page. This experience not only allowed me to receive valuable feedback and suggestions from my peers but also fostered a teamwork environment where we were all committed to collective success. Working collaboratively in this way broadened my perspective and helped me develop effective communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, fundamental aspects for my professional growth in the field of architectural visualisation.

The quality of the syllabus at The Factory School and the practical exercises designed to simulate real projects have been fundamental to my growth. They have given me a deep understanding of the field of architectural visualisation and prepared me to face the challenges of the job market.         - Noemi

Have you had the opportunity to work with industry professionals or participate in real-world projects during your time at The Factory School?

Noemi: During my time at The Factory School, I have had the opportunity to work on two image commissioning projects that have provided me with invaluable insight into the professional world of architectural visualisation.

The first experience was challenging, as my inexperience led me to make mistakes that resulted in an unsatisfactory delivery. However, this experience allowed me to learn from my mistakes and understand the importance of attention to detail and effective communication with the client.

Thanks to this lesson, my second commissioning experience was completely different. I used what I learned from my previous experience to approach the project in a more professional and efficient manner. The result was a successful and highly positive collaboration, where I was able to apply my skills effectively and meet the client's expectations.

These experiences have been fundamental to my professional growth and have prepared me to face similar challenges in my future career.

Víctor: During my time at school, I had the opportunity to work on real-world projects concurrently with my learning. This allowed me to apply what I was learning in the Master's program to professional assignments, significantly contributing to my development. Working on these projects helped me refine my technical skills and adapt to the demands of a real-world environment, including tight deadlines and high standards of quality. This experience was invaluable as it provided me with a deeper understanding of the industry and better prepared me to tackle future challenges in my professional career.

How does The Factory School promote diversity and inclusivity within its student community, and how has this enriched your educational experience?

Noemi: The Factory School strives to create a student environment where the variety of perspectives, experiences and situations of each student is valued. This is achieved through a variety of communication channels.

The school encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas among students through forums and in group classes. This greatly enriched my educational experience. Personally, this interaction with diverse peers has broadened my horizons and given me new perspectives on art and the world of work. It has inspired me to think more creatively and to consider different ways of approaching artistic challenges.

In short, the appreciation of each student's uniqueness at the Factory School has enriched my educational experience and contributed to my growth as a 3d artist.

Víctor: The school promotes diversity and inclusion within its student community by welcoming a wide variety of profiles, ages, and nationalities, with significant representation from both Spain and Latin America. This diversity enriches our educational experience by allowing us to interact with people from different backgrounds and perspectives. Being exposed to the needs and particularities of our classmates challenges us to open our minds and broaden our understanding of the world around us. This multicultural interaction fosters respect, empathy, and collaboration, creating an inclusive and enriching learning environment for all.

What are your future goals, and how do you feel The Factory School has prepared you for them?

Noemi: My future goals include consolidating my career in the field of architectural visualisation and continuing to explore new techniques and technologies in the area. I believe that my school, The Factory School, has prepared me to achieve these goals in several ways. First, it has provided me with a solid technical background, access to cutting-edge resources and tools that allow me to stay current in an ever-evolving field.

In addition, the opportunity to collaborate with industry professionals on real projects has been invaluable to my professional development. This hands-on experience has given me an understanding of the job market and has prepared me for the challenges and opportunities I will face in my career as an architectural visualisation artist.

On the other hand, The Factory School has also fostered my growth as an artist and my professional development through opportunities such as participating in competitions specialising in the field and helping me to build my own portfolio. It has provided me with a solid foundation in technique and visual storytelling, and the support and guidance of experienced faculty in the profession has been instrumental in my growth and confidence in the field.

In summary, I am confident that my experience at The Factory School has equipped me with the skills and confidence to achieve my future goals in architectural visualisation and continue to grow in my artistic career.

Víctor: My future goals are focused on dedicating myself entirely to this wonderful industry. I am confident that my time in academia has strengthened my belief in my abilities to perform any job within the sector. The school has provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge and technical skills, as well as a deep understanding of industry processes and practices. I am prepared to face future challenges with determination and enthusiasm, and I trust that the education received at the school has adequately prepared me to achieve my professional objectives.

Connect with Noemi and Víctor via their Rookies profiles and learn more about The Factory School here.